Tuesday, January 26, 2010

Windows 7 Audit

Windows 7 could be coming to your agency soon but will you be able to run it? Make sure with Microsoft's Windows 7 Upgrade Advisor. This free program scans your system to see if it's ready for Windows 7, and alerts you about any known compatibility issues. Once downloaded and installed, run the program and click the Start Check button. It takes several minutes to scan your system and all of its connected peripherals. My system took two minutes to scan.

Windows Upgrade Advisor
The advisor checks your system against the minimum requirements for Windows 7 which are: 1Ghz CPU; 1GB RAM; and 16GB free hard drive space. If you want to run the Aero interface (the pretty user interface that was introduced with Vista), you'll also need a DirectX9-capable graphics card with 128MB.

Windows Upgrade Advisor
My system passed with flying colors, including the ability to run Aero.

Windows Upgrade Advisor
There were three programs (including two from Microsoft) that the advisor indicated may have minor issues with Windows 7. If you see any in your list, check at the software manufacturer's website for a patch. 

Windows Upgrade Advisor
Check your system today with Microsoft's Windows 7 Upgrade Advisor.

Contact me here for a personal response or to schedule an appointment.


  1. IT IS A VERY NICE SUGGESTION, THANK YOU LOTS! ........................................

  2. Can I run the audit, email the results and then ask you to email your thoughts back me.
